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All VMwareExit Posts

Are All VMware Alternatives the Same?

As IT professionals evaluate VMware alternatives, they may wonder if all options are the same. VergeIO stands out by offering an integrated solution that optimizes hypervisors, storage, and networking. With deep code-level expertise, VergeIO ensures higher performance, reliability, and simplicity, making it a superior alternative.

Minimizing VMware Migration Downtime

Minimizing VMware migration downtime is essential for IT professionals seeking cost-effective hypervisor alternatives. VergeOS offers a comprehensive solution with seamless preparation, fast VM copying, rapid conversion, scalable testing, and frequent updates. This ensures efficient, minimal-downtime migrations, making VergeOS an optimal choice for transitioning from VMware and enhancing disaster recovery strategies.

Calculating VMware Migration Costs

When IT considers a VMware alternative, calculating VMware migration costs is critical in understanding the total cost of ownership (TCO). The path to the alternative should be seamless and staged so the organization can transition at a comfortable pace, but IT should determine that pace,…

The TCO of a VMware Alternative

Discover how the right VMware Alternative can dramatically lower the total cost of ownership by streamlining operations, reducing hardware costs, and offering flexible upgrade paths, leading to more efficient and scalable infrastructure management.

Five VMware Migration Questions

Once IT decides to make the switch, it must answer five VMware migration questions before completing the transition. Of course, before you even get to migration, you need to make sure that your potential new hypervisor will help you reduce costs both upfront and long-term….

A Simpler VMware Alternative

Delve into the complexities surrounding VMware and its open-source alternatives. Discover how VergeOS revolutionizes this space with its unified codebase, intuitive GUI, flexible hardware requirements, and simplified licensing.

The True Cost of VMware Essentials

Despite its attractive price point, the true cost of VMware Essentials is a significant issue for IT professionals managing small to mid-sized data centers. It’s critical that IT professionals understand the cost of overcoming the restrictions that VMware places on the product. These limitations may…

Developing a VMware Exit Plan

The recent acquisition of VMware by Broadcom and the cold reality of this week’s layoffs make developing a VMware exit plan the new top priority for IT professionals. However, transitioning to a new virtualization platform can be a daunting task. With careful planning and execution…

VMware Alternative Cost-Benefit Analysis

One of the more critical steps when exiting VMware is performing a VMware alternative cost-benefit analysis. Every VMware alternative should have a lower license cost, but they should also have additional benefits that lower the total cost of ownership upfront and in the future. You…

A Step-by-Step VMware Exit

Once IT professionals identify a VMware alternative, the next phase is to develop a step-by-step VMware exit strategy. We talk with VMware customers multiple times a day, and they want to take advantage of VergeOS’ performance, ransomware resiliency, and, of course, 70%+ cost savings, but…