Blog / VMwareExit

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All VMwareExit Posts

The Impact of VMware’s Inefficiency

As IT professionals delve deeper into VMware’s intricacies, they realize the impact of VMware’s inefficiency that increases costs beyond just licensing. This blog explores the layers of data center infrastructure, hyperconverged inefficiencies, networking challenges, and storage woes that VMware users often face. Discover how VergeOS, an ultraconverged infrastructure solution, eliminates these hurdles, providing a more efficient, cost-effective alternative that simplifies operations and unleashes the true potential of your data center.

Exit VMware Without a Server Refresh

According to our recent survey, one of the requirements of any VMware alternative is to exit VMware without a server refresh. IT leaders are driving this requirement for three primary reasons: Why, then, does VMware require customers to upgrade to go through a server refresh…

Mitigating VMware Migration Risks

Many VMware customers are concerned about ever-increasing licensing costs, and are actively considering VMware alternatives. However, mitigating VMware migration risks is an even more significant concern. There are four steps that IT planners can take to ensure a seamless and risk-free migration to a new…

The Cost of the VMware Tax

Explore the financial and operational impacts of the VMware Tax on IT infrastructure. Understand the challenges it poses to VM density, bare-metal workloads, and the need for more powerful servers. Discover how VergeOS offers an efficient alternative with high VM density, flexible scaling, and near bare-metal performance, streamlining the future of data center operations.”

VMware Snapshots Have a High Cost

Learn about the costly impact of VMware snapshots on storage and backup infrastructure. Explore VergeIO’s efficient alternative, IOclone, for superior data protection and resilience without the drawbacks of traditional snapshots.

VMware Scale Comparisons

During our “InBrief” Event with Truth In IT, one of the most frequently asked questions was about VMware scale comparisons. This series of questions moved beyond the more general Comparing VMware to VergeOS and focused specifically on how VergeOS handles the demands of scale compared…

The Four Don’ts of a VMware Exit

The industry is full of advice on things you should do when considering a VMware alternative, but did you know there are four don’ts of a VMware exit? Accepting a vendor’s excuse for why you must do these “don’ts” can lead to higher costs, unsuccessful…

How to Create a VMware Migration Test

Replacing infrastructure is a serious project, and if you are looking for alternatives to VMware, you may be looking for advice on how to create a VMware migration test plan. You want to ensure that whatever platform you transition to can deliver the enterprise capabilities…

The ROI of a VMware Exit

The impending Broadcom acquisition, ever-increasing prices, and stalled innovation have many customers wondering how to calculate the ROI of a VMware Exit. There are several factors to consider when calculating the return on investment of a VMware Exit. We explore them in this article.

Plan B for VMWare

Everyone needs a Plan B One of the reasons I continue to love the technology industry so much is that it never stands still. For a long-time fan of Charles Handy, it definitely follows his mantra of good companies requiring constant product evolution, even if…